After a quarrel with the computer and test-trial modification of existing cheat its end I can penetrate to cheat tantra version khatana 4 as it is easy once you go home a little earnest because I do not need to cheat to find the new version. only change is in value cheat the old version. but when I intend to make a post about this cheat a friend tantra mania reprimand cheat me with the reason that can damage the balance of the game so I pause to spread cheat version of this khatana 4.
if you are interested to get this then I have 1 request.
Tantra in the world so there are 1 million users who play more so I think I will get this if there are users who get to play with, essentially give me 1 reason to cheat distribute this to you for free.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Give me 1 reason to give cheat khatana4 for you
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sepertinya K4 tidak sesuai yg kita harapkan, just like tantra Extreme.
semoga cheat membuat GM lebih bekerja keras dalam bekerja(kl ga pengen bangkrut ditinggalin player >.<)
please send me your cheat for me
Urgently needed
plis send me :
Thank's soo much b4
Just want to Know How To use the cheat.
Just Studying to learn the cheat..
Just it
Karena anda lebih tau dan mengerti bagaimana memanipulasi untuk cheating dan saya hanya ingin tahu bagaimana caranya.
please send cheat kathana 4 for me at email
thanks b4...
Entah saya sudah terlambat atau belum , tapi PLEASE.. Jangan bikin cheat buat Tantra yang dah dipatch Kathana 4 sekarang ini.. Lebih enak maen tanpa cheat.. Kemaren sebelum Kathana 4 diimplementasikan, begitu kacaunya orang2 pake cheat, no delay lah, speed attack modifier lah, tunggu sampe ada Tantra Cheater version, yang isinya cuma cheater2, barulah silakan kembangkan itu cheat. Yang sekarang, tolong jangan buat cheat. Lebih banyak yang dirugikan daripada diuntungkan. Untung buat anda apa sih?
Keuntungan buat kita??
1. Tambah Pinter karena belajar
2. GM na bakalan sibuk buat patch baru biar ga tembus tu ma cheat
3. Kita belajar lg buat nembus patch yg baru
kan enak tu..
hi im tantra adik but I Have no job to support my hobbies. Im a member of tantra adik since 2005 but as of now im still lvl 80. My friends always bully my character. he's amara lvl 101. w/ complete accessories tha truth im kinda jealus.hehehe,,, I want to lvl my char like his character. thats all.. thanks...
because many are already using the cheat.
that is the reason why you must get that you can make.
just get fair
Yang jelas game telah dibuat sedemikian rupa dan dengan memainkannya apa adanya, kita telah menghargai jerih payah si pembuat game, bukan merusaknya.. Nda ada lagi war yang seru, nda ada lagi party rame2.. Itu karena pada pake cheat.. Jaman dulu hunt serbinda aja bisa begitu menyenangkan dengan party rame2.. Don't U miss that?
dah post aja cheat teleport hack biar gak bokek keluar - masuk Tomb
itu aja dech gak berlebihan kan XD ....
Itu juga kalau loe bisa ...
soalnya meski loe bisa lom tentu mau kan ....
makanya gw gak bilang itu juga kalo loe mau ....XD ....
soalnya meski lo mau lom tentu bisa kan ....
@ Bahtiar
Klo mau lebih menyenangkan sekalian ja makro na dihapus
Kan seru tu
Tambah Akrab..
Ga main makro-trus AFK
Sekedar Info
Cheat dah banyak beredar lg
Ni kelamaan minta posting
Malah ga dikasih2 cheat na
Liat ja tu Kruma ma Vedhi
dah bermunculan Cheaters
salut n Hormat buat
Char2 ga ngecheat.
Di tunggu aja ntar adu cheat na
Dah sejak lama usul gitu Kk ke GMnya lewat e-mail, tapi keknya GMnya pada cuek semua.. Sempet tuh dipostingan ligagame bilang mau melarang penggunaan makro juga, dengan alasan biar komunitas tantra hidup. Tapi nyatanya nda kunjung terealisasi juga..
Aku juga dah liat Kk yang pada ngecheat, itu pake program lama kok, cuma mereka berhasil menginjeksi ke sitem game yang baru (kathana 4), seperti fast cast, Edit attack speed, edit speed movement, dsb.. Entahlah, mereka yang pake cheat dari mana dapetnya aku blm tahu.. (aku dah googling2 tiap hari tapi blm ketemu tuh situs/server yang share cheat kathana 4)
Ini yang punya situs jadi nda sih nge-share cheatnya? Jangan2 mereka2 yang pada ngecheat sekarang karena dapet dari pemilik situs ini yak? Waduh.. Udah terlambat mungkin, tapi ya mau gmn lagi.. At least udah berusaha mencegah.. Bentar lagi rame dengan para cheater deh tuh Vedi ma Ahmara Kruma.. Wew.. >.<
'Here How To Generate Rupee On TOI'
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Subject Line : mail_verification"32fh15reg2"
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At least Enjoy Spending Your Rupee.
'Here How To Generate Rupee On TOI'
'First You Need To send This Following in mail :'
Subject Line : mail_verification"32fh15reg2"
'Thats Alow some parameters'
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At least Enjoy Spending Your Rupee.
DO YOU SEE THE REQUEST ABOUT [yourusename],[yourpassword],[yournick] ???
and u send the information to this email? (
wahahahaha.. cape deh.
berapa banyak waktu, uang yang dikeluarkan untuk bermain game online, ada yang gak pulang kerumah cuma untuk main game online, ada anak kecil mencuri uang orang tuanya cuma untuk main game online dan beli item mall nya yg bisa dibilang mahal, ditambah lagi item yang pecah gara gara ditempa, bisa mempengaruhi pisikologi orang yang bermain. memang semua itu karna lupa waktu. berapa banyak lagi orang yang akan dibuat lupa waktu dan lupa dikemanakan uang nyata dibelanjakan. semua bisa terjadi cuma gara gara game online.. ada nya cheat sah-sah aja, biar bisa menghemat waktu dan uang kita di kehidupan nyata..
mau dunk cheat nyaaa....
please give me cheat...
my email
masa lodong ja yang ngecheat
yah cheat kathana 4 dunk ...
lodong mana neh cheat rupee nya... katanya mau bagi gw huhehehehehehehee.....
atau minta rupe ma GM ja yaa..
dah deh jangan nge cheat ...kasian tuh GM nya ...
tapi kalo ngga ngecheat ...kasian gw nya dunk...
sekarang ACC gw masih grade 3
padahal dah Ahm 5
kasian khan
makanya ada cheat bagi2 dunk
mo at molo lagi gw
tapi seru nya pas Hp mau habis
wah kapan yah cheat nya dateng
At least, not a damage or kill cheat and any kind of cheat that can be used harmfully in Kruma.
Players using cheat on Kruma is very very annoying, and it will make Tantra players go away...
we need cheat for hunting only not for war. that's true and u will see my char on tomb cheat just for hunt only !!
I want 2 b fair w/ some who used cheats.All I want s 2 level up more and 2 defeat this cheaters who hack my last account. they get my acc. and ruphs. I don't know how they do that thing. .
I am also a tantra adik since year 2006 . At first I am happy playing this On Line game with my friends.We reached the highest level at that time.
But because of financial problem I stoped playing and when the time i return the level is extended at AMARA and that time this cheater hack my account.. .
I consult the GM but no one replied me.
That's the reason why i want to get some cheats.
So please help me, I do promise that I will use this cheats not to destructing the OnLine game. As what I sead, all I want is to Level up More.. .
please send any cheat in my eAdd > .. .
i just started this game 3 weeks ago and my character was just given to me by my friend.and he hd given me amara 6 but lvl down when i played it it reached amara 4 and i just reach amara 5 this morning..i wanted to learn how to use cheat so that i can have many rups and upgrade my character my bf plays this game thats why i play this too but were gap so we cant team up..pls
Baru tadi maen tantra setelah lama tidak online, ada yang vending "Cheat tantra sudah menyebar.." Langsung deh mampir ke Blog sini, sepertinya blm release yah Cheatnya? Atau udah? Ck.. Ck.. Ck..
saya tidak mau munapik, pd dasar nya dalam game orang pasti butuh cheat (makro,multi)maka itu kirimkan cheat nya donk ke email
i've work all day as a labour sir.. i've play tantra for 1 year to HaVe SoMe FuN (and never intend to turn it to be pain in the ass) since its free to play..and i might not have too much time to leveling or find too much rupee/rupiahs/taney to buy an good item, 'cos soon i'll have a baby, so i have to go home early.
we know its so hard to find money in tantra (according to a price at the mandara market >_<)
i never did any cheat at kruma, cheat at kruma is sucks, only coward who did that. can we filter the maps for the cheat? such as if(maps[232]){cheat=false} no?..
if you have cheat for tantra katana 4 please send for me at my email
i badly need cheat specifically i need just for hunting only to get nice items thats all i want...
if its ok to you if you will give me your cheat...its a pleasure to me sir...thank you sir..
just send it to me if you will give me..
here is my email add. thank you sir
mau dong cheatnya !!!
kirimin yaa
makasih ^^
coz i want to explore more about tantra..
if im the lucky one that will be given
just send it to my email add sir.. thankz in advance
Boleh lah saya minta cheat nya... sakit hati di hajar yg pd nge cheat. biar adil kita sma2 nge cheat. untuk saya butuh bgd cheatnya..
please send me at
aloo ini masih aktif atau udh punah ?? kok gak dikirimim cheatnya??
kirimin cheat rupee dunk ya.. ya... ya... ke ok
mana cheat na.....
minta dunkz..... kita udah abis rupee ama rupiah maenin ni game tapi ga ada kemajuan..minta donkk cheat na
halo, aku dah lama main tantra, aku mau cheatnya untuk leveling lebih cepat supaya bisa main sampai level mentok, mohon kirimkan ke :
terima kasih ya.
cheat nama apaan si?
sejenis binatang purba ya??
plz send speed hack cheat n cheat ruppee...
Because get rupee in tantra is hardly, especilally for level below 80.
All armor and senjata are sold so expensive, that is i boring paly with tantra
Bahtiar said...
Yang jelas game telah dibuat sedemikian rupa dan dengan memainkannya apa adanya, kita telah menghargai jerih payah si pembuat game, bukan merusaknya.. Nda ada lagi war yang seru, nda ada lagi party rame2.. Itu karena pada pake cheat.. Jaman dulu hunt serbinda aja bisa begitu menyenangkan dengan party rame2.. Don't U miss that?
February 24, 2009 10:48 PM
saya setuju kk.. saya rindu tantra yang dulu.. mending k3 tanpa chit dari pada tantra yang keq sekarang.. aku rindu hunt di ugra rame2.. aku rindu hunt di serbinda bareng.. aku rindu dimudha di kejer2 momon ampe tunggang langgang berlarian smua.. aku rindu mati di kappa.. sekarang?? ga ada yang kesana lagi.. malah aku sering jalan2 sendirian kesana dari pada liat war yang ga enak banget ngrasaiinnya.. tantra sekaranng ga nyaman., bukan lagi keq dulu,, yang selalu aku anggeb sebagai rumahku..
knpa ga niru TE aja.,? BANNED IP!
gw stuju bgt ma yg pada nostalgia tantra jaman jebot, jauh lebih menyenangkan...
buat yg minta cheat dgn alasan hanya buat hunting, pdahal klo dah di pake sekali bakal ketagihan...
merasa di curangi terus, blakangan gw kesel ma cheater sampe akhirnya gw dapet juga tuh cheat, cheat pertama dari pertama kali gw maen,
prtama, FC klo dah dipke, trs lu coba srng biasa jadi beda bgt...
dll kepanjangan neh kekna
Developernya ga niat nih game
All duh duh duh sekarang tantra gak seru udah naek lvnya cepet trus banyak cheater gimana nih sekalian aja yuk kita semua pake cheat biar adil nah oleh sebab itu gue minta cheatnya donk... he... he... he...
o0o ya 1 lage...
klo yg ada cheat kirim ke aku ya my
please bantu gue aku butuh chet tapi klo macro aku dah punya cuy...
wah..iya nih byk yg mke cheat sekarang,pas ak lg hunt aj ad char level kecil bnuh wa yg lvl lmyan langsung mokad.sialan...g adil nih..
mendingan pke cheat jg nih.jg bwt lodong wa mnta tools na ya plis.. krim ke.
duh duh duh masak g ada yg ngirim cheat-x tantra ke aku sih? pleaase lah... kasih tau aku oya klo gak iklhas gratis aku bayar atau barter sama item mall ku klo bayar pake rupee aku cuman ada 6 juta rupee kalo item mall aku ada stok +/- dalam jangka waktu 1 minggu dari saat aku ketik pesan ini aku minggu depan dapet 200.000 pp(Play Point) jadi plizz lah bagi yang g ikhlas kasih cheat-x aku beli dengan syarat aku terima cheat itu bisa di pake n aku juga tau cara ngoperasikannya plizz di net jangan jadi penipu. e-mail ku: nama asli ku fajar nama charku Ashurasa,Ashura00,Yaksa00,Deva00,Th4t4,sherychan,NaGaRaSa,LONTEH,dan car aku ada 12
yang mau cheat add aja YM gw nihh (adm_cheat2009) khusus yang bisa transfer rupiah gw minta 50.000 Buat yang butuh aja terimakasih
kk minta cheat khatana 4nya dunk aku dah nemu cheat engine 5.5 sama chit engine 5.4 dan 5.3 5.5 aku coba bwat rupee kog g bisa gimana sih caranya aku pengen tau cara cheat rupee dengan cheat engine aku tau nya cheat goldnya Crazy Kart online pake cheat engine aku coba kog rada sulit ya buat tantra
nih step-stepnya:
1).isi kolom (hex)value dengan jumlah Rupee.
2).Klik Frist Scan
3).trus entar muncu lkumpulan adress banyak banget
4).belanjain rupee mu yang ada.
5).isi lagi kolom (Hex)value dengan jumlah rupee setelah di belanjain trus klik next scan
6).ntar muncul 1 adress nah klik 2x adress itu.
7).lalu pilih frozen setelah adress itu pindah ke kolom bawah
8).klik kanan di adress itu pilih ''record'' lalu pilih value.
9).ganti value itu dengan jumlah rupee yg diinginkan.
10).liat jumlah rupee mu sekarang,jumlah rupee akan berubah sesuai dengan jumlah value yg tadi kamu ganti di Step 9.
nah kk itu 10 Step cara dapat Gold di crazy Kart online tade sempet ku coba di tantra yg lv cupu (new character) aku ambil uang dari vasablum sampe terkumpul 5000 rupee trus aku ikuti Step tade hasilny gagal di step ke 5
nah trus aku coba ama car ku yg lama ada rupee 6 juta aku cuba ketik gak muncul 1 adress pun di CE nya anehkan? makanya kk klo ada yg tau cheat rupee generator aku minta ya...
moco olo,,, neh makin gila aj ya cheat
ayo GM gimana nih solusinya
pada ngecheat semua
apakah dikasih cheat semua aja biar adil
atau dibasmi semua yang ngecit
btw cara bikin rekaman video di tantra gimana yah ...rada dodol juga neh
kirim yach caranya
biar gw rekam semua yang ngechit
kirim na ke
dari pada gw ikutan ngecit
lebih baik gw ikutan basmi cheat
aciik kan
wah pada dudutz mua lagi bwt sentot.
GM tu g gblok2 amat...klo ada orang yg ngepost cheat tantra ato cara hack skillah,rpeelah, jamin deh psti trikna bakal di otak atik ma GM n dah psti g bkal bsa dgunain lg...
bego...,dng adana org ahli IT wa brhrap..cheat bkl ktmu trus..hahaha
org2 seindo yg nganggep dri lo pnter hack game tantra tnjukin ke wa..klo dah dpt send ke (x3kali)yakuza(x3kali)hudotcom ^^
i have been testing some cheats that really works for all games, but unfortunately i always lose, currently i have been using cheat engine 5.5 version, but again unfortunately, i have not been able to do so, thats why i want to test and use your cheat, please send me one, so i will not feel frustrated anymore, thanks! my email
Because i need to learn about it, not only program but how it's work. i like program as visual basic, html, php. but i just newbie. ~_~ please send me the program and how you make this software!!! for my research.
^_^ Student!!!
Hah ... I think you shouldn't distribute it for free ...
I already see your post (today) when I searching Cheat Engine Tutorial about Tantra ... but what I found ?
The other people only want pick the complete program rather than trying by them self with cheat engine ...
it would be better if you post the tutorial rather than complete program, so the "LAZY" people will learn for reading ...
That's my opinion anyway ...
....pls give me a cheats of rupss...
..because i have no buy some items....i hope u send me a cheats...
.....send me:
.....thats all thanks......
weh yang bikin rame tantra ya chiter tadi je masalahnya, pengen cit tempa neh..
im playing @ ph server. . . 1st of all you should share to me ur cheat bcoz i just started playing tantra and i just realized how the gm's abuses the players by making the servers a business platform all rare items are provided only by the gm's and all the scrolls and forge items should be bought at item mall that uses real money to buy. . . dont you think we are abused here?
if you have cheat for tantra katana 4 please send for me at my email
thx ^_^
wew, to all of you who mocking GM. do you all really know what GM job is?? do you all can make a different between GM and PROGRAMERS??
do you all know who is make a patch??
and do you all know how patch is work?? do you all know how to debug?? do you all know what is base address??
if you don't know all of that then JUST SHUT UP!!
hi master i need the cheat bcoz i was been hack i dont know wat im going to do to bring back my acces n rupiah's T_T please master send m rupiah cheat or generator....
pls send me this cheat im a newbee and i cant afford to buy premium items , my cousins always bully my character for being so weak a need held for revenge
pls send me this cheat im a newbee and i cant afford to buy premium items , my cousins always bully my character for being so weak a need held for revenge
I'm tired karna cheated on ..
I want to give them a lesson ..
I hope you can help me ..
thanks ..
I'm tired karna cheated on ..
I want to give them a lesson ..
I hope you can help me ..
thanks ..
Gud Day!.. please send me a cheat in tantra online n my
coz u know! im so jealous to other character who ean a wonderfull weapons and acc , suit,,, so0o,, i need your help as well.. thnk you... and they insult me i am a weak.. so0o pls help me..
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Please send me cheat in tantra online..because i don't have enough money to play the game..please..>.<
BTW my email is
Hi Sir...
My reasons are, because I was busy at work I can't keep My Char when Makro
My Char is deva... Very difficult to My Char Use Makro...
Therefore I Hope u Can Give Me ur Cheat To Help Me Fast Hunt...
My Mail is :
Thanks Before Sir..........
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mending gak usah maen game aja kk klo pake cheat ngabisin duit char juga jadi murah klo di jual klo laku kalo, klo gak laku rugi dah buang2 banyak duit ternyata gak laku gara-gara banyak yang pake cheat >.<
i like to fast hunt in kathana X4 (shakti-arena). plzzz give me that cheat i nid it.
The REASON that i can only give to yOu is.. That i've been cheated on tantra i once have powerful set but an official gm made a bet to me i reported it but no one listens to me now i've been thrown around like a rg.. so please give me the link i promise to use it wisely and more importantly to use it when only needed.. pls understand why i need this cheat in tantra.. ,my e-mail is "".. THANK YOU..
Wah-wah cheat na edan2 karang, pantesan wa cupu terus maen tantra karna gk da cheat...ya malklum lah wa kagak ngerti yang kayak gtu2 an soalna gammer baru juga nih .... klo da yang punya cheat trus mo derma ma wa ya kasih aja deh wa terima wkwkwkwkw...
pliss minta chetnya kirimkan ke ni
hi I am a tantra addict pls give some cheats on tantra katana 4 it would be a great help cuz the GM pets keep looking down on us normal players we are no match to them =( if u can help me pls send cheats on tantra at my email
im playing @ ph server. . . 1st of all you should share to me ur cheat bcoz i just started playing tantra and i just realized how the gm's abuses the players by making the servers a business platform all rare items are provided only by the gm's and all the scrolls and forge items should be bought at item mall that uses real money to buy. . . dont you think we are abused here? pls help me
pengen Cheat Tantra Terbaru hanya di sini di jamin word 100%
halo, aku dah lama main tantra, aku mau cheatnya untuk leveling lebih cepat supaya bisa main sampai level mentok, mohon kirimkan ke : terima kasih ya.
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