Thursday, October 23, 2008

Cheat tantra online from indonesia

This edition is a continuation of the edition cheat tantra is a tolerable life in a lot of people here that I post the people who cheat in order not to cheat can use this, for which they already have them, please take it up again will make the collection, but you would have the more powerful had you please share here yachh fair though it was much more warr I use a lot cheat ... I live just download the packages do not do regist does gnomes especially the longer you war

deskription: fastcast, nodelay,speedhack, wallhack, fasthunt and 1 hit.

You must be Download 2 toll below :

andy download

Tantra tools download

run second parallel tools

search pointer htlauncher.exe

you must use to run these tools, both before its first patch tantra tools nya.please tray own because I love the information can later Jump information again and I certainly love my love's like:)


devshedz said...

Kalo ada yang mau di tanyakan posting aja di sini mudah2an saya bisa bantu

Admin said...


ko g bisa jaln yach

hp diplynya ie bisa tpi nodely dll g bisa tuh

gmn dunk

pa langkah2nya g bner yach

Anonymous said...

Dalam settingan tools ini yang terpenting adalah cari aktifkan htlauncher didalam tools tantra yang berwarna biru ini, baru aktifkan patching di tools andy yang berwarna hijau dengan mengklik patch di situ .
untuk settingannya sih tergantung selera kamu, tools ini masih berjalan dengan baik kok

Admin said...

yu huuuuuuuuuu

ntar dech aku coba lgi

tadi soalnya aku patch dulu baru tantra tolnya

yang ciit nempa ad g yach...??

klo ada ok bangetss tuh

Admin said...

yu huuuuuuuuuu

ntar dech aku coba lgi

tadi soalnya aku patch dulu baru tantra tolnya

yang ciit nempa ad g yach...??

klo ada ok bangetss tuh

Anonymous said...

Makasih ya om numpang sedot nihh cheat na keren saya dah coba nihhh

Anonymous said...

Makasih ya Ajat saya dah coba nih cheat na keren ...

Anonymous said...

Maksih ya Om cheat na kerennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Anonymous said...

Makasih ya oom cheat na keren

Anonymous said...

kok ngga bisa di download kk..???
ada mirror??

neo said...

kk ko cheatnya klo di aktifkan pd saat main tantranya ko malah keluar ya.. hiks2
mohon bantuan nya ya ..

Anonymous said...

Mungkin kamu kurang memperhatikan tutorial yang sudah saya buat, saya rasa tutorial di kategori setting sudah cukup jelas kok. kembali kemasalah setting itu tergantung selera kamu karena beberapa faktor spek komputer, tingkat stabil nya koneksi internet berpengaruh pada settingan kamu jadi coba dapatkan settingan terbaik nya dengan mencoba2

NB:Kalo bisa berdamai aja kalo di chaturangga :D

Anonymous said...

kErEEeEeen.....Abisss chiT na...

salAm dri sutdam_knight

Anonymous said...

mau tanya donk, kan ada game tantra global tuh
ada cheat yang bisa di aktifkan di tantra sana
gak ??

Anonymous said...

no ranktone and maciq shop bwt pa kk??
info juga bwt pa kk??
blz jach ke

Anonymous said...

bisa jlsin ga fungsi yg ada d tab map[magic shop, no rank stone] d char[atack range, no obstacle, dll], yg d view dan speed

klo bisa bls ke

Anonymous said...

can u clarify how it works???
you have hacks for tantra global???
can u kindly send me a boot on tantra global plz...
heres my e-mail...

Anonymous said...

sorry I only play tantra in my country because the internet connection in my play is very weak so I can not try to use the tools that I hack tantra in the collection before its global tantra I apologize once

Anonymous said...

Kalau pemakaiannya sih sudah sebagian saya temukan cuma utntuk penjelasannya saya masih bingungcara penyampaiannya mohon bersabar ya ini cuma masalah penyampaian kata2 nya yang agak susah

Anonymous said...

mas habis clik d andy download trus gmn khn ntu masuk d indowebster...
d bagian mana...??
maap gaptek nie ^__^v

Anonymous said...

kk ada ceat nempa ato ceat damage g?
pls posting juga, masak char2 yg tau aja yg sakti,yg kayak gua cupu dong...!!!

devshedz said...

ketik aja di searching indowebster kata ini : Cheat_tantra_patch2008.html

kamu akan di arahkan ke link download

Anonymous said...

kk sudah cari di indowebster ko' nggak ada file cheat itu, mohon klu bisa di kirim ke email aja ...


dah pusing cari kk, nggak dpt2

Dantalion said...

Can someone please upload in rapidshare or megaupload,the links you posted has expired. thanks ^^

Anonymous said...

linknya broken kk. di indowebster filenya uda ga ada. kalo bole saya minta dikirim aja kk file aslinya, ke


Anonymous said...

kalo 1 hit di chatur ada nggak ...
ke chattur dah bisa tapi monmsternya masih alott ....

Anonymous said...

kk gmn caranya downloadnya...???
hehehe... q g ngerti...

Anonymous said...

Om om
Tolong bantu value tantra yg om tau
Biar ak nyari sendiri ntar
Send ke sini ya


Anonymous said...

Om om
Tolong bantu value tantra yg om tau
Biar ak nyari sendiri ntar
Send ke sini ya


Sosro said...

kk Pliss kasitahu cheat rupee... q jemgkel ma diontrex kalo war ngecheat mulu.... kirim ke

Ada cheat yg laen gk??
cara hack tu keak ap?

Anonymous said...

om masih exis ga nih blog,kalo masih,kirim wa cheat donk wat rupee generator aja yg baru,yang lama dah ga isa dipake lagii,dah ga ngaruh n ga fungsi,kalo emang tantra lovers,pecahin donk cheatnya....okeh kirim ke alamat wa ya jangan ampe lupa di bales ya om / tante sapa aja yg liat postingan ini

Anonymous said...

kk kirim gw ceat tantra terbaru ma ceat hack rupee apa pun itu plizz

dari gw yg sudah d hack orng


Anonymous said...

lupa neh mail aq

wandy again

Anonymous said...

can you send me the tool pls...thankz in advance.. here is my email add thnk you sir...

Unknown said...

ga bisa link nya broken di indowebster tolong di benerin or kirim ke email gw ya file nya
pliss tq butuh bgt yg warp ke caturangga itu kirimin tutorial and cara seting nya ya ^^

Chopsuey! said...

please send me the cheats, your links are not available thanks! my email

Anonymous said...

gmn make'a?? plizz.. ksh tau gw dongk,,,,

nabila said...

kk cara download andy sma tools nya gmn y kk ?
saya cba download malah masuk k indowebster vodeo "~_~ ...

kk tolong dunk kasih tau saya ..
kalo kk bisa bantu saya tolong kk kasih tau saya k imel saya
makasih kk sebelum'y ...

Anonymous said...

iya nih...
aku juga masuk ke indowebster.
kalo masih bisa jalan bantu email dunk.. ke

Anonymous said...

coba ni

mikexxx said...

kk,gua kok ga bisa download andy tool nya yach?
KK ada cheat tantra rupee ga?kalo ada kaci tau dimana downloadnya yach.

Groovy said...

kk minta cheat ruppe donk kirim aja ke kalo ada sama cheat nempa sekalian

Anonymous said...

can you send me the cheats the link is expired please send me heres my email thanks for the help ^______^

Anonymous said...

mau cheat tantra yg baru.. buat nieh gw kasih link downloadnya..
100% work guarantee Satisfy.
Nieh link nya:

Anonymous said...

Who knows where to download XRumer 5.0 Palladium?
Help, please. All recommend this program to effectively advertise on the Internet, this is the best program!

Anonymous said...

kk tolong kirmin cheat rupee di tantra kathana 4 dunk sama cheat nempanya ya...

send to

Thzx ^_^

Vie said...

gimana? masa saia klik link nya nyasar nya ke indowebster terus kemana lagi supaya bisa donlod? bingung bgt nihh.. swt

Unknown said...

mnta rupee generator dund......!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

kk mnta cheat rupee generator dund,,......plizzzz........!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

kk kirimin wnted.exe plizz ke e-mail aku : plizz y kk

Unknown said...

kk kalo boleh aku minta tantra rupee generator nya, kirim ke

Aku lg pengan cari penghasilan baru dari game, thanks before.

raditeo said...

kk kalo boleh aku minta tantra rupee generator nya, kirim ke

Anonymous said...

gmn om gk bisa di DL cheatnya.. . .
tolong kirim info lengkapnya ke

Anonymous said...

kk tolong banget minta cheat nempa sama cheat rupee. soalnya saya nempa selalu ilang terus barangnya. makasih sebelumnya. kirim ke email aku ya

Belly Surya Candra Orsa said...

Great Blog..!!!! Keep Blogging.... :)

indra said...

ada cheat rupee gak ya ??
kalau ada kirimin filenya
atau link downloadnya ya
mohon bantuanny ^_^

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Hendy Yudianata said...

cara teleport pake tantra tasa tau ga yah? yg mw cari rupe dari mudha

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